Frits Vlugter
+ 31 6 533 65 003

Senior NIVRE Register-Expert
Managing director
Member of NIVRE and the Employers’ Council of NIVRE (The Dutch Institute of Register Experts)
Member of VEKRB (Association of surveyors for coastal, Rhine and inland shipping)
Member of the Technical Commission of the IVR (International Association the Rhine Ships Register) for the SPO (Damage Prevention Inspection)
Member of the Board of Surveyors of the ERS (Engine Registration System)
Privacy Officer and Data Protection Officer of Charles Taylor Netherlands

After his study Maritime engineering at Utrecht Nautical Engineering College, Frits followed a study programme to become Second Mate on deep-sea merchant shipping vessels. After this, he worked with the most modern container vessels at Nedlloyd Lines for approximately nine years, ultimately achieving the position of Second Maritime Officer (HWTK practical diploma). 

Frits entered service with Verschoor & Bras in 1993 and has been a partner in the company since 2001. Just as all experts at Verschoor & Bras, he is deployable on many fronts, while his preliminary education and experience give him supplementary knowledge in the nautical domain. 

As an NBKB expert he is authorized to implement certificatory security and hull evaluations aboard inland shipping vessels. He is specialized in bunker stations and bunker/bilge ships. He is also authorized to execute damage-prevention studies on behalf of Dutch Corporate Insurers. 

He became a managing director of Verschoor & Bras in 2006. Marinco Survey was acquired in 2013, the shares of which were transferred to the V+B Group together with those of Verschoor & Bras. In 2017, the V+B Group also acquired the shares of Marintec Expertise from Cees Touw. Frits has also been engaged in general management tasks in addition to his work as a marine surveyor. 

Since 2003, Frits has been a registered member of NIVRE (The Dutch Institute of Register Experts), in the Shipping and Engineering branch.


A Charles Taylor company

Verschoor & Bras BV

Burg. Hazenberglaan 403
3078 HG Rotterdam
CoC no. 24127591
+31 (0)10 479 59 55 - (24/7)