
Commissioned by insurers, banks and shipowners, we regularly carry out valuations on board inland and deepsea vessels. In this sector we use only experts who are registered with the VRT (Verenigd Register van Taxateurs). 

Appraisal report 

We will supply our client with a complete and thorough report including: 

  • a statement regarding the purpose of the report and the intentions of the user 
  • a statement of the objectives and methodology of the appraisal and selected approach
  • a complete list of the appraised equipment or infrastructure and its location 
  • a clear description of each asset, listing all significant characteristics such as size, capacity, accessories, modifications, etc. 
  • a value for each item 

Types of values 

Several different types of values exist for determining the worth of equipment: 

  • Fair Market Value, estimated most probable price between a willing buyer and a seller
  • Market Value – In Place, estimated most probable price between a willing buyer and a seller for an object as installed for intended utilization 
  • Forced Liquidation Value, estimated value under a public auction sale 
  • Orderly Liquidation Value, estimated value realised in a privately negotiated sale 
  • New Replacement Value, estimated value of a new item of similar quality and specifications 

For the appraisals of complete (transhipment) terminals, including the equipment, we refer you to our sister company Marintec Expertise BV. 

A Charles Taylor company

Verschoor & Bras BV

Burg. Hazenberglaan 403
3078 HG Rotterdam
CoC no. 24127591
+31 (0)10 479 59 55 - (24/7)